Subject to administrative control according to regulations
The risk of fire in buildings and establishments stands out as one of the most frequent related to the uses and activities that take place on a daily basis.
This means that those responsible must guarantee the level of safety according to technical regulations.
In this sense, the establishments, activities and buildings can be subject to administrative controls, prevention and safety in the matter of fires by their municipalities and the Generalitat, depending on the risk associated with the activity that is established.
For this reason, a firefighting project is necessary, which is no more than the result of the evaluation of the spaces, materials, equipment and activities that take place in a building or establishment in accordance with fire prevention regulations, generating a proposal as possible solution for the detection, communication, and extinction of fires avoiding their propagation and minimizing the effects on people or goods.
The proposals can contain two types of protection, passive (insulation and paint, detection and alarm elements) and / or active (sprinklers, fire hydrants or extinguishers and signaling elements and emergency lighting).
Regarding the regulations we can say that they are established according to whether the property is a residential building or a parking lot, which will be governed by the Technical Building Code (CTE) or if the establishment is for industrial use, which will be governed by the Regulation of fire safety in industrial establishments (RSCIEI)
